Author Archives: Hailey Yawn

Free Mental Health Clinic

Located at Palmetto Branch Library, North River Prevention Partners teaming up with Mental Health First Aid are offering a free teen mental health first aid training and certification. Students in grades 10-12, age 15-18, living in Sarasota or Manatee County are eligible to take part in this training. You must attend all three sessions in

Why We Celebrate MLK Day

On the 3rd Monday of Jan. every year, in the Unites States, people come together to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. This day honors the work and the life behind Dr. King. Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister and activist, King was one of the most leading leaders in the Civil

Veterans Day Parade

Palmettos JROTC program march to honor our veterans. November 11th is a day that America comes together to honor the people who have passed or present served for the United States military. On this day in 1918, World War 1 came to an end. The end of a long and beating war, a war where
