SPORTS articles

Veterans Day Parade

Palmettos JROTC program march to honor our veterans. November 11th is a day that America comes together to honor the people who have passed or present served for the United States military. On this day in 1918, World War 1 came to an end. The end of a long and beating war, a war where

Taking The Homecoming Win

On Friday, October 14, Palmetto High and Lakewood Ranch High went head-on-head in a game that everyone looks forward to throughout the year. Palmetto High School celebrated their drastic win against Lakewood at the Homecoming game. The tigers ended with more than 5 touchdowns ahead of Lakewood. In quarter one, Palmetto scored the first touchdown

Basketball upcoming season

The senior Yahshiyah “Biscuit” Jones had the time to talk about the upcoming season and how he feels about his new teammates, teams, and he thinks he can affect the team and a positive way to win more games. He expressed that “I could bring a lot to the team”. And also the player Yahshiyah

Relationships Between Cheerleaders and Football Players

The cheerleaders and football players show their support for each other by participating in before and after game activities to better their bonds.  In 1954 the first cheer team cheered for their football team to “boost school spirit”.  Deandre Berry, a player on the Palmetto football team tells us, “Crowd involvement and cheerleaders cheering gives

Lost in the Rain

Fifth game in and the Tigers have got themselves another loss, this time against the Sarasota Sailors. The score was 7-16, with player #1, Adonise Moise, getting their first and only touch down in the game. Coach Marino states “We are not consistent…in some plays somebody does something really good and in the same play
